Object PreventExtension



JavaScript Dev

This methods helps us to prevent adding new properties to the object. Though it will not throw error in normal case but will throw error if it is used in 'use strict'. Changing value of already added property is fine and it won't throw any error.

Number([undefined]) -> 0, Number([undefined,undefined]) -> NaN



JavaScript Dev

Number([undefined]) is 0 because JS engine will coerce it which means there will be some abstract operations inside engine and what it does is , it will call toPrimitive(hint), here argument hint means what will be the expected type or what the value should be coerced to. In JS if we try to stringify empty array then it will return empty array removing the brackets and if an array has value undefined/null then it will still return an empty string and if we try to convert empty string to number then we will get 0 as output.




JavaScript Dev

Recently I was learning and exploring more about JAMStack and I found it quite interesting at same time i also feel that it may not work as expected or as it is being endorsed.

J - JavaScript which we add for interactivity

A - API's which we use in our application that can be like comment section from Disqus, Search from algolia , Payment from stripe and mail from Mailchimp.

M- Markup, which means HTML, Markdown

Hello Docker

Docker ?

Docker is platform which helps us to ship, build and deploy application. It provides us containerization platform which is different then virtual machine. A VM (Virtual Machine) is whole OS which sits on top of a host OS but a container is just a collection of things which we need.